A-SMGCS Level-4-Betrieb am Abu Dhabi International Airport reduziert Störungen auf der Rollbahn, Flugverspätungen und Rollzeiten

Automation solution provides airport with operational and safety benefits
- Cooperation between Global Air Navigation Services (GANS) and ATRiCS has reduced runway incursions, flight delays and taxi time
- Fully automated conflict detection and resolution between aircraft and vehicles
- Benefits for airline operators at Abu Dhabi International Airport, including Etihad Airways
Global Air Navigation Services (GANS) and ATRiCS, a member of the Frequentis Group, have delivered operational and safety benefits to Abu Dhabi Airports, since the implementation of the ATRiCS TowerPad system (T-PAD) on 7 March 2022, which applies Level 4 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS).
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