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Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are now a permanent fixture: their usage is anticipated to grow rapidly in the coming years. As an early responder to the new challenges of rising UAV traffic, Frequentis continues to create innovative solutions that help airports and ANSPs overcome these challenges. We also help customers in other sectors, such as public safety, with the deployment of drones to augment the scope of their operations. Our solutions can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, depending on the needs and preferences of each customer.

Products & Solutions

UTM Suite

Frequentis is a recognised pioneer in envisaging a harmonised framework for both ATM and uncrewed traffic management (UTM). In light of our unique position as an active member of industry working groups and standard-setting organisations, we have led the way in closing the gap between the well-established technologies and working practices of ATM and those that are emerging to support UTM.

Counter-UAS Incident Management

Presenting risks such as accidental collisions, espionage, smuggling or even terror attacks, drones could be hazardous to critical infrastructure, including airports, and to law enforcement and defence organisations.


Abu Dhabi Copyright Stock Adobe
FREQUENTIS X10 prepares Luxembourg Airport for future-ready voice communications
Austro Control Dronespace
Estonia revolutionises drone flying
Network solution for efficient airspace management for Norway
EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

FREQUENTIS to ensure greater airspace safety and capacity for EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

  • Safety and airspace capacity will be enhanced at one of Europe’s busiest and most complex airspaces
  • The Fallback Controller Working Position (CWP) follows Single European Sky open data interface principles
  • Based on the Frequentis OneATM user interface framework ODS Open Platform, the CWP ensures resilient operations even at high traffic volumes

EUROCONTROL, MUAC, one of the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) of four EUROCONTROL member states – Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, selected Frequentis to provide its CWP as part of the MUAC fallback automation system. To ensure a high airspace capacity during fallback operations, while maintaining safety levels, EUROCONTROL's primary CWP will be mirrored by the fallback system, enabling controller requirements to be met in a similar way.



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