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Federal Minister Martin Kocher and General Secretary Eva Landrichter of the Ministry of Labour and Economics with Brigitte Gschiegl, Frequentis

At an atmospheric ceremony at the Ministry of Labour and Economics in Vienna, the equalitA seal of approval was given to Frequentis. Federal Minister Martin Kocher and General secretary Eva Landrichtinger congratulated Frequentis, represented by ESG Group Coordinator Brigitte Gschiegl, to the initiatives supporting women in their work life within the company.

The ‘equalitA’ seal of approval recognises companies and organisations that promote women within the company, ensure gender equality within the company, promote women's careers, and make them visible. "Since the seal of approval was introduced in 2020, we have been recognising progressive companies and organisations. In doing so, we are sending a positive signal for a working environment that is characterised by gender equality and enhancing Austria as a place to work," says Federal Minister Kocher.

Copyright: BMAW/Holey

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