Legal Recording & Replay
The DIVOS recording solution is a robust recording system that is fully integrated with the Frequentis voice communication portfolio.
It supports:
- Recording of radio and telephone calls and operator screens.
- Synchronous playback of incident-related recordings.
Recording that keeps you protected and compliant
Safety-critical industries have strict legal requirements and regulations. We follow the latest industry regulations and directives. In ATC, for example, DIVOS supports compliance with:
- CAP 670 standards
- ICAO standards
DIVOS provides browser-based clients for investigations and full desktop clients for real-time monitoring of radio channels and synchronous playback of recorded voice and video streams. The DIVOS clients support:
- Synchronous replay and visualisation of multiple voice and video streams
- Display of recorded ED-137 events in time-line view
- Searches for recordings of interest using powerful search criteria and filter
- Access to a network of recordings systems via a single client
- Remote playback of voice at VCS consoles
- Remote playback of video streams on remote displays e.g. video walls
Secure and reliable storage
DIVOS supports the secure and reliable storage of recordings in local RAID-controlled storage and in data centres. In case incident-related recordings need to be maintained for longer than the defined system retention time, archives of relevant recordings can be created.