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Surveillance lies at the heart of air traffic management. Optimised surveillance infrastructure allows routes to be brought closer together resulting in an increase of capacity. The Frequentis Group looks back on a long history of experience with the supply of innovative surveillance solutions. The product portfolio includes surveillance data distribution and processing systems, and surveillance monitoring displays.

Surveillance Data Distribution

SDDS-NG is a state-of-the-art solution for the easy and safe interconnection of any system that handles surveillance data. In ATC, the need to integrate an increasing number of surveillance systems is well-known. However, due to changing technologies and additional surveillance data users, the necessary stability of surveillance distribution environments is at risk. SDDS-NG is the safe and scalable solution, catering for all current and future surveillance distribution needs by providing the single access point for surveillance data.

Surveillance Data Processing

Accurate and reliable surveillance information for all objects within an area of interest is essential for safe and efficient traffic management. The MSDF multi-sensor data fusion and tracking system forms the powerful processing centrepiece of the Frequentis group’s surveillance solutions. It delivers highly accurate and highly reliable surveillance information services by making use of measurements from multiple surveillance sensors and fusing them into one seamless traffic situation picture for air and ground.

ATM Surveillance Tracker & Server

ARTAS is one of the most advanced and successful surveillance data processing systems in the world. Almost every European state uses ARTAS as its surveillance tracker for en-route and approach applications. Available as a turnkey solution from Frequentis Comsoft, ARTAS processes surveillance data reports from classical primary and secondary radars, Mode-S radars, wide area multilateration systems to establish a coherent and accurate air situation picture for a wide range of users.

Test, Analysis & Validation

RAPS-3 is an indispensable toolset for testing, analysis, validation and generation of surveillance data. It is widely used by manufactures as reference and test tool, by ANSPs in control centres or at radar sites for monitoring, troubleshooting or analysing any kind of surveillance information.

Monitoring & Analysis

SMD enables ANSPs and radar manufacturers to monitor and analyse ATC surveillance data. Its quality assurance and diagnostic features are supported by integrated recording and replay capabilities. These features make SMD an indispensable tool for use at operational ATM facilities and/or manufacturers’ test and analysis environments. It can be customised with additional features to perform in-depth analysis at various levels, including optional sensor simulation capabilities making the solution an ideal testbench for radar equipment manufacturers.

Control & Monitoring

To provide safe and efficient services, ANSPs operate a large number of different systems, often across multiple sites. This means that complexity and software distribution challenges are steadily increasing. Frequentis provides standardised solutions to integrate the control and monitoring of heterogeneous ATM environments, simplifying operations and reducing costs.


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EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

FREQUENTIS to ensure greater airspace safety and capacity for EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

  • Safety and airspace capacity will be enhanced at one of Europe’s busiest and most complex airspaces
  • The Fallback Controller Working Position (CWP) follows Single European Sky open data interface principles
  • Based on the Frequentis OneATM user interface framework ODS Open Platform, the CWP ensures resilient operations even at high traffic volumes

EUROCONTROL, MUAC, one of the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) of four EUROCONTROL member states – Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, selected Frequentis to provide its CWP as part of the MUAC fallback automation system. To ensure a high airspace capacity during fallback operations, while maintaining safety levels, EUROCONTROL's primary CWP will be mirrored by the fallback system, enabling controller requirements to be met in a similar way.



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