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Public Safety

Public Safety

Largest single command and control operation in Europe

Frequentis' Public Safety domain has been supplying emergency services organisations with highly reliable, easy-to-use control centre solutions for more than two decades. Extensive expertise gained from a comprehensive and scalable voice communication and information offering across key industries sets the foundation for supporting multiple segments with solutions tailored to customer needs. As communication technology evolves toward more open and multimedia-oriented standards and platforms, Frequentis is leading the way in defining and implementing these standards through active participation in industry organisations, such as EENA, NENA, APCO and TCCA.

Find out more about Public Safety industry highlights and achievements on YouTube.


person in a control room with many displays; copyright Landesmedienservice Burgenland
Blaulicht eines Polizeiautos und dahinter verschwommen ein Rettungsauto

FREQUENTIS/digitale Breitbandkommunikation/Innovationsforschung: Fünf FREQUENTIS-Projekte erhalten Förderung vom deutschen Innenministerium BMI

  • Frequentis erhält KoPa_45-Konjunkturpaket-Förderung für fünf Innovationsprojekte zur einsatzkritischen digitalen Breitbandkommunikation
  • Forschung, Entwicklung und Realisierung digitaler Anwendungen für Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS)
  • Sichere Einbettung von Drohnen bei Blaulicht-Einsätzen und Flugverkehr

Die Bundesanstalt für den Digitalfunk der Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BDBOS) fördert in Deutschland im Rahmen der KoPa_45-Förderung des BMI wegweisende technologische Standards in der einsatzkritischen Breitband-Kommunikation. Frequentis ist an fünf geförderten Projekten beteiligt und arbeitet gemeinsam mit Partnern an spezifischen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten für mehr Sicherheit durch breitbandigen Digitalfunk.

„Wir freuen uns außerordentlich, dass alle unsere eingereichten Innovationsprojekte nun gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern realisiert werden. Mit der Entwicklung revolutionärer Digitalfunktechnologien für den BOS-Digitalfunk der nächsten Generation tragen wir zur öffentlichen Sicherheit in Deutschland bei“, erklärt Marcel Haar, Geschäftsführer der Frequentis Deutschland GmbH. „Bei diesen Projekten arbeiten wir mit Behörden, Partnern aus Forschung und Wirtschaft sowie den konkreten Nutzergruppen zusammen.“

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Flag of Malaysia in front of a blue sky with scattered clouds
 Firefighters On Duty In The Middle Of The Residential Area Of Hamburg; iiStock 1267297349

Hamburg fire brigade optimises storm response with FREQUENTIS technology for emergency call prioritisation

  • Frequentis technology enables the Hamburg fire brigade to respond swiftly and effectively during severe weather events
  • An innovative voice response system allows for efficient prioritisation of emergency calls, significantly reducing response times                              

The Hamburg fire brigade is increasingly challenged by a temporary rise in emergency calls during extreme weather events. In total, the Hamburg fire brigade receives around one million calls per year. In crisis situations, such as severe weather conditions, the number of callers can rise significantly within a short period of time. With Frequentis' LifeX communication system, the organisation is better equipped to respond faster and more precisely during critical situations. This system is also used by the Hamburg police, functioning as the central communication platform in their control centres.

“Given the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, we consider our collaboration with the Hamburg fire brigade to be groundbreaking,” says Marcel Haar, Managing Director of Frequentis Germany. “We are proud to contribute to a faster and more efficient emergency response in Hamburg with this innovative solution, ensuring the department is well-prepared for future operational needs.”

To read the news in full, please click download.

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Home Office - Emergency Services Network; Picture showing Police Incident Commander
Elisabeth Koegler, Austrian Ambassador;  Martin Rampl, Managing Director Frequentis Australasia;  Steven Georganas MP, Member of Parliament and Chair of the Austrian/Australian Parliamentary Friendship Group;  Karl Wannenmacher, CTO Frequentis AG
outside view of office building; showing the company logo Frequentis Comsoft and the entrance
Marcel Haar infront of screens showing an airport; holding a german flag

Public Safety

When lives are at stake and when each second counts, emergency services must have the best tools at their disposal to adequately respond to such situations. These tools must be robust, reliable and available when a call for help comes in. During a crisis, the critical data and information needed to make the right decision in such stressful situations must be presented in a highly intuitive, user-friendly interface. All Frequentis products were designed using real-world emergency operations management criteria.

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The inherent high reliability of Frequentis products, combined with their failsafe, redundant and distributed design, ensures smooth operation for customers with mission-critical applications. The solution provides the unique capabilities and functionality required for day-to-day emergency response operations. It also provides the capacity needed to withstand the heaviest demands of a worst-case disaster scenario.

With an installed base of users in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the United States, the company is serving some of the largest and most demanding public safety institutions in the world. During the 2012 London Olympics, the Metropolitan Police Service relied on the company to support the largest command and control centre in Europe, consisting of more than 600 working positions and 60,000 CCTV cameras in use for video surveillance. Three years later, the company´s voice communication solution integrating analogue and digital radio was used to support the G7 Summit at Schloß Elmau - the largest operation in the history of the Bavarian Police with up to 18.000 emergency services personnel protecting heads of governments while controlling demonstrations.

ASGARD is one of the most flexible and advanced voice communication systems for emergency services. The modular, fully software-based concept meets even the most complex communication requirements of small and medium-sized fire brigade and rescue control centres – including calls, telephony over ISDN and SIP, analogue and digital radio systems, as well as air and coastal radio. It also supports a wide range of popular messaging services, allowing the transmission of location details and images.

Emergency services require fast action, but also transparent documentation of all processes. ASGARD´s fully integrated, redundant documentation system can record - in addition to audio signals - all available information as well as meta data or eCall information.

ASGARD has a completely user-configurable interface and offers comprehensive integration with incident management systems. Its design offers maximum reliability and availability and enables seamless integration into existing and future infrastructures. ASGARD runs entirely on standard hardware on both the server and client side and is based on pure IP communication of all voice and signaling information.

The integrated command and control system (ICCS) brings together voice, video and data in support of NENA i3 (NG911), EENA LTD (NG112), TCCA and ETSI industry standards. Supporting seamless patching between multiple media – such as emergency calls, TETRA and LTE – is a key feature of the system. If desired, the company can integrate an end-to-end control centre solution – building on ICCS and working with partners – to include sensors, cameras, video and data analytics, mobile applications and even the furnishings for the centre itself.

The Frequentis multimedia integration platform 3020 LifeX™, the company´s latest ICCS, utilises a service-oriented architecture (SOA), combined with multi-tenancy capabilities, in order to support virtualisation of control centre operations in hosted data centre deployments. Virtualisation is not only about the ability to reduce costs for organisations under constant pressure to do more with less; it is - more importantly - about open standards, the integration of data across multiple systems, the ability to present this data in a consistent format across multiple agencies and – specifically for special events – to scale up or down the user clients on demand. Use of standard web-client technology enables key information to be presented on any mobile device with proper security authorisation, dissolving the physical borders of a control room.

Development towards holistic omnichannel communication

Frequentis recognises the changing demands on blue- and orange-light emergency services as well as the emerging security challenges. In response, our complete control room solutions provide greater interoperability and usability, as well as flexible collaboration with partner agencies and stakeholders. These benefits are achieved by harmonising all forms of contact, dispatch and communications technologies to create a holistic view through omnichannel communication and appropriate handling/sharing of any event intelligence as it arrives.

Discover more about our unified communication and collaboration platform - currently only available in the UK - here.

Advanced Logging

Emergency control centres play an essential role in helping the public stay safe – and recording every communication helps control centres to enhance the quality of their response and meet legal requirements. 

Discover more about advanced safety-critical logging with DIVOS here.


Client References

Nødnett – Norway
Improved Coordination and Communication for Norway’s Emergency Medical Services
Oldenburg Joint Regional Control Centre
Communications System of the Zurich Cantonal Police
Bavarian Police: Successful implementation of Frequentis 3020 LifeXTM at the 2015 G7 Summit
Improved response times and resource management for Norway’s fire services

Critical Infrastructure

Safety of personnel and capital goods is a top priority for critical infrastructure companies. Modern security centres are key to achieving this. The core requirements for professional communication at such control centres are immediate problem-solving, fast reaction times and transparent documentation of all processes.

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Fully integrated communication solution

The ever-increasing demands on safety and transparency are posing new challenges for safety centre operators. With its fully integrated communication solutions, Frequentis addresses precisely these challenges in a solution optimised for industrial and aeronautical safety centres based on the ASGARD communication system.

Safety-critical information and communication in a control centre

ASGARD is one of the most advanced voice communication systems for critical infrastructure emergency and fire & rescue services. As a modular, fully software-based concept characterised by its flexibility, it meets even the most complex requirements of small to large industrial fire brigade and rescue control stations. The system’s design offers maximum reliability and availability and enables seamless integration into existing and future infrastructures.

Professional communication management of critical infrastructure entities requires fast action, but also transparent documentation of all processes. ASGARD is a modular, fully software-based communication system developed specifically for this purpose. In addition to providing failure safety, it also offers vast possibilities for integration into existing and future infrastructures (alarm systems, sensors, etc.) thanks to its flexible open design. The extensive requirements of a safety management authority of an industrial company or airport are incorporated into the modern system design. A key feature is the flexible integration of numerous safety management system functions. The system is based on the Asterisk platform and supports all of the typical telephony features of a future-oriented communication solution. It runs entirely on standard hardware on both the server and client side. ASGARD is based on pure IP communication of all voice and signaling information.


Advanced Logging

Emergency control centres play an essential role in helping the public stay safe – and recording every communication helps control centres to enhance the quality of their response and meet legal requirements. 

Discover more about advanced safety-critical logging with DIVOS here.

Public Safety Videos

Frequentis Public Safety has been supplying emergency services organisations with highly reliable, easy-to-use control centre solutions for more than two decades. As communication technology evolves toward more open and multimedia-oriented standards and platforms, Frequentis is leading the way in defining and implementing them through active participation in industry organisations, such as EENA, NENA, APCO and TCCA.

More videos

Frequentis Public Safety has been supplying emergency services organisations with highly reliable, easy-to-use control centre solutions for more than two decades. As communication technology evolves toward more open and multimedia-oriented standards and platforms, Frequentis is leading the way in defining and implementing them through active participation in industry organisations, such as EENA, NENA, APCO and TCCA. 

To watch the videos, click the play button on the preview picture.

Furthermore, you can find all videos on the Frequentis YouTube channel

Frequentis LifeX Public Safety Platform

Life X enterprise, communication and collaboration platform for Public Safety control rooms.

Case Study: Public Safety ASGARD

The fully-redundant VoIP communication system ASGARD guarantees professional communication management for fire and emergency services control centres thanks to its high reliability, as well as flexible integration with existing infrastructures.

Case Study: Düren District Control Centre (Kreisleitstelle Düren)

We visit the District Control Centre in the new building of the Düren ambulance service in Kreuzau-Stockheim (Germany) to experience ASGARD firsthand.

Frequentis MissionX: Efficient Multimedia Handling for Public Safety

MissionX is an integrated, end-to-end solution based on Mission-Critical Services (MCS/MCX) as defined by 3GPP, which reliably ensures mission-critical multimedia communication over public, dedicated and hybrid standardised 4G/5G mobile networks provided by various network operators.

Watch this video to discover how efficient multimedia handling with MissionX makes incident teams better informed, faster, and safer.

Security: Frequentis Explainer Video

Most control room operators have a strong focus on safety. Successful cyber-attacks can disrupt such critical procedures. IT security threats are one possible root cause for safety hazards.

Legislators globally have reacted to this problem by enacting new laws targeting cybersecurity of vital infrastructures. At the same time, integrating IT security practices with safety requirements is not necessarily easy as many common security practises conflict with safety. At times, organisations may feel that they are in a no-win scenario.

So how can security be achieved in a safety-critical context?

Public Safety Virtual Control Room

Unable to visit us at trade shows? We have created an alternative - the Public Safety Virtual Control Room.

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The world has changed... As hybrid and remote interactions become more common, we have put our hearts and minds into creating a digital showcase that will allow you to explore our integrated portfolio, discover the latest industry trends, and learn more about our implementations and achievements around the world.

Go ahead… experience the future today!



GPEC digital Event 2025, Frequentis @ Booth #108
02.04.2025 - 03.04.2025
Leipzig, CCL - Congress Center

Die GPEC® digital ist der Fokus auf Digitalisierung als Ausschnitt aus der GPEC®, der Behörden-Veranstaltung für alle Sach- und Ausrüstunggebiete.
Die GPEC® findet seit 2000 alle zwei Jahre in den geraden Kalenderjahren statt und die GPEC® digital zusätzlich in den ungeraden Zwischenjahren.
Beide Veranstaltungen dienen der Unterstützung von Aus- und Fortbildung, Informationsaustausch und dem interministeriellen, nationalen und internationalen Zusammenwirken sowie der Zivil-Militärischen Zusammenarbeit für die Innere Sicherheit.

GPEC digital 2025
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