Air Traffic Services Message Handling Services
Frequentis is the market leader in the AMHS domain. Connecting almost 50% of the ATM communication centres around the world with AMHS and through its instrumental contribution to the development of SWIM, such as the involvement in SESAR, the Frequentis Group provides leading-edge ATM communication and information management solutions and is able to safely manage the evolution from AMHS to SWIM. The offering covers products and services which are SWIM-ready today.
For many years, the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN) has played a critical role in enabling ANSPs to exchange messages that facilitate safe air travel. However, outdated technology and the limited communication capabilities of AFTN make it increasingly difficult to meet the needs of a growing domain by effectively sharing aeronautical and meteorological information, including flight plans, Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) and weather bulletins.
To solve the challenge, ICAO has mandated ANSPs to migrate from AFTN to Air Traffic Services Message Handling System (AMHS). Beyond the conveyance of traditional message formats over IP networks, AMHS offers enhanced functionality, such as the ability to exchange upcoming message formats of nearly arbitrary size and deliver end-to-end message security.