Norway to transform emergency medical communications with FREQUENTIS

- Frequentis to deliver centralised countrywide communication solution for medical emergency and non-emergency centres for up to 500 active operators
- Multimedia control room solution supporting video and social media communication
- Additional mobile access for nurses treating patients in hospitals
- Software-based solution will reduce operating and management costs
Helsetjenestens driftsorganisasjon for Nødnett HF (HDO) has selected the Frequentis multimedia communication solution LifeX™ as the next-generation communication solution for the Norwegian emergency services. HDO is a public service provider responsible for the operation and management of control room solutions and radio terminals connected to the Norwegian Emergency Public Safety Radio Network – Nødnett – and services to its customers.
The solution for HDO will allow control room operators to see all the relevant incoming information about an incident at a glance, while meeting the highest demands of mission-critical emergency services use cases.
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