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Information Management

& digital data management

Digital data transformation is at the heart of the new ATM. Digital data and autonomous systems are the future for managing both the traditional aircraft and the new entrants. Frequentis has been supporting the transition from AIS to AIM for decades and has been providing the very first ATM cloud-based data service as part of the European Aeronautical Database for almost 20 years. The digital revolution of ATM has already started. 

Merging and consolidating data from different data sources remains a critical task, as the incoming data is often provided in proprietary data formats. Appropriate tools and procedures are required to guarantee data consistency and quality according to national or international quality standards like the European ADQ regulation. Data Management includes, but is not limited to, ICAO data sets, Aerodrome Mapping (AMDB), terrain and obstacle databases. Data can be consumed and provided in different common data formats such as AIXM 5.1, AIXM 4.5 or ARINC 424.

Products & Solutions


The Frequentis CADAS suite provides a modular system for comprehensive aeronautical information management (AIM), aligned with ICAO standards and regulations, facilitating a cost-effective migration from AIS to AIM.


Frequentis is the market leader in the AMHS domain. Connecting almost 50% of the ATM communication centres around the world with AMHS and through its instrumental contribution to the development of SWIM, such as the involvement in SESAR, the Frequentis Group provides leading-edge ATM communication and information management solutions and is able to safely manage the evolution from AMHS to SWIM. The offering covers products and services which are SWIM-ready today.


The goal of SWIM is interoperability on global, regional, and organisational level, being achieved through standardised interfaces and agreed data formats in a service-oriented architecture. We enable our customers to implement System Wide Information Management (SWIM) in line with the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, ICAO Doc 9750) in a timely and cost-effective manner.


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EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

FREQUENTIS sorgt für Sicherheit und Kapazität im Luftraum für den Fallback-Betrieb von EUROCONTROL MUAC


  • Sicherheit- und Luftraumkapazität in einem der verkehrsreichsten und komplexesten Lufträume Europas
  • Die Fallback Controller Working Position (FLB-CWP) folgt den Grundsätzen der offenen Datenschnittstelle des Single European Sky
  • Basierend auf der Frequentis OneATM User Interface Framework ODS Open Platform gewährleistet die CWP einen stabilen Betrieb auch bei hohem Verkehrsaufkommen

EUROCONTROL, MUAC, der Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) von vier EUROCONTROL-Mitgliedsstaaten – Belgien, Deutschland, Luxemburg und den Niederlanden – wählte Frequentis aus, seine CWP als Teil des MUAC-Fallback-ATM-Systems bereitzustellen. Um eine hohe Luftraumkapazität während des Fallback-Betriebs zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig das Sicherheitsniveau aufrechtzuerhalten, wird die primäre CWP von EUROCONTROL durch das Fallback-System gespiegelt, wodurch die Anforderungen der Fluglots:innen auf ähnliche Weise erfüllt werden können.



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