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Focus areas

Frequentis is at the forefront of market trends, continuously innovating and integrating multiple solutions to simplify operations and ensure high levels of safety and continuity. Frequentis OneATM is a prime example of our commitment to innovation and integration in the field of airspace management. By leveraging our integration capabilities, we are able to transform the management of airspace in multiple dimensions, incorporating visionary aspects and the advantages of OneATM. Our focus areas are designed to deliver impressive benefits, such as improved efficiency, safety and performance through our integrative approach.

Frequentis OneATM focus areas
Frequentis OneATM focus areas


By exploring the focus areas of Frequentis OneATM, you can discover the direction and potential of our technology, and experience the benefits of our integrative approach. As a trusted partner of Air Navigation Service Providers worldwide, we are dedicated to delivering high-performance solutions that simplify operations, ensure safety and continuity, and drive innovation in the industry.


Accelerated drone management

Safe & compliant orchestration of new airspace users: Fair access to all users is essential in a unified airspace. Frequentis offers SWIM-compliant UTM services based on an ATM-grade back-end.

Advanced automated tower

Intelligent and connected: Seamlessly integrated flight information, surveillance and communications provide excellent situational awareness and enable automated decision support for air traffic controllers.

Remote digital tower

Rethinking airport operations: New concepts for the management of digital towers that allow for a smooth evolution to new operational models and the seamless integration of new technologies.

ATM - grade networks

Leading the way towards the digital sky: Next-generation communications technologies for both air-ground and ground-ground communication with ATM-grade reliability.

Actionable information management

Beyond digital transformation: Harmonised systems enable digitalisation whereby automation systems can safely identify, interpret, and exchange data, then bring it to the attention of the ATCO at the right place and time.

Unified aeronautical communications

Beyond voice: Seamless and harmonised communications between controllers and pilots, regardless of technological boundaries. Integrating verbal and non-verbal communication in one unified solution.

Harmonised control centres

The power of versatility and integration: Fully expandable and modular architecture enabling the continuous addition of functionality through easy integration. Air traffic controllers can access the information and controls required for enhanced situational awareness and faster reaction times.

Synchronised traffic operations

Predictability beyond data – performance driven optimisation: Unique toolset optimising the entire flight operation, providing stakeholders with a combined 4D view of their operations, ensuring continuous high performance.

Open digital platform

Transition towards service-based ATM: The foundation of the OneATM ecosystem is the MosaiX platform, which hosts the applications and enables their smooth and easy integration. This paves the way for new operational concepts and environments.


Abu Dhabi Copyright Stock Adobe
FREQUENTIS X10 prepares Luxembourg Airport for future-ready voice communications
Austro Control Dronespace
Estland revolutioniert Drohnenflüge
Network solution for efficient airspace management for Norway
EUROCONTROL MUAC fallback operations

FREQUENTIS sorgt für Sicherheit und Kapazität im Luftraum für den Fallback-Betrieb von EUROCONTROL MUAC


  • Sicherheit- und Luftraumkapazität in einem der verkehrsreichsten und komplexesten Lufträume Europas
  • Die Fallback Controller Working Position (FLB-CWP) folgt den Grundsätzen der offenen Datenschnittstelle des Single European Sky
  • Basierend auf der Frequentis OneATM User Interface Framework ODS Open Platform gewährleistet die CWP einen stabilen Betrieb auch bei hohem Verkehrsaufkommen

EUROCONTROL, MUAC, der Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) von vier EUROCONTROL-Mitgliedsstaaten – Belgien, Deutschland, Luxemburg und den Niederlanden – wählte Frequentis aus, seine CWP als Teil des MUAC-Fallback-ATM-Systems bereitzustellen. Um eine hohe Luftraumkapazität während des Fallback-Betriebs zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig das Sicherheitsniveau aufrechtzuerhalten, wird die primäre CWP von EUROCONTROL durch das Fallback-System gespiegelt, wodurch die Anforderungen der Fluglots:innen auf ähnliche Weise erfüllt werden können.



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