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SlotMachine - about the project


SlotMachine will employ blockchain technology and secure multi-party computation to extend the existing user-driven prioritisation process (UDDP) solution to protect the participating airlines’ confidential information such as the cost structure of flights. Technology will allow for secure, auditable transactions without the need for a central broker, so that stakeholders will be able to enter slot swapping transactions without disclosing information to other participants.

By demonstrating the feasibility of a privacy-preserving platform for swapping ATFM slots, this project will lay the foundation for a product that will be an essential element in the aviation industry in the future. It will contribute to better use of existing resources at airports, higher efficiency of airlines, lower emissions, and shorter delays for passengers.

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 890456 under European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

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SlotMachine envisions a new kind of marketplace in slot swapping and air traffic management. The platform will enable more flexible, faster, scalable and (semi-) automated processing of slot swapping transactions in a fair and trustworthy way. Built with a privacy-first approach it will protect sensitive airline data from competitors and airport operators, thereby enabling the full potential of slot swapping.



SlotMachine is an interdisciplinary project executed by a consortium of three research partners in collaboration with a key industry player, an Airspace User and an ATM operational actor on the European level. The project is highly research-oriented and pursues clearly defined goals in a joint effort by industry and operations. Behind the SlotMachine concept is a concrete benefit for the industry partner, as it will provide significant improvements for air space management, and the consortium will strive for joint exploitation of the results.


Results & Public Deliverables

Please find here a summary of the results and public deliverables of SlotMachine.



All important dates and events regarding the project can be found by clicking the link below.



Should you have any further questions, please find the contact details by clicking on the link below. 


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